This guide has been made by a citizen of Cadiz friend of mine
If you come by train or car and park near the town hall (recommended to enter in Cadiz by new bridge) itinerary to see:
- Plaza del Ayuntamiento and quay of Cadiz Plaza de San Juan de Dios – Google Maps
- Market to see and drink the first beer MercadoCentral (Central Market)
Plaza Libertad, S / N, 11002 Cádiz
Phone: +34 956 22 08 60 - Plaza de la Catedral Cathedral of Cadiz
Plaza Catedral, s / n, 11005 Cádiz
Phone: +34 956 25 98 12 - La Caleta, below there is a bar with terrace, depends on the time you can eat
La Caleta Beach – 11002 Cádiz - Bar Casa Manteca
On the way to the Caleta can stop in the butter and order one of chicharrones and another of payoyo cheese
Calle Corralón de los Carros, 66, 11002 Cádiz
Phone: +34 956 21 36 03 - Alameda Park. Then go walking around always bordering the water until you reach the promenade near Alemeda Park, Paseo Alameda Marqués de Comillas, 8, 11003 Cádiz
- Bar El Balandro. In the mall I recommend two places, if they have not yet eaten it in El Balandro (at the bar) Balandro
Alameda de Apodaca, 22, 11004 Cádiz
Phone: +34 956 22 09 92 - La Colonial Alameda cocktail bar. And if they already did take a cocktail or natural juice in the best cocktails in the world (I think they open from 6:30) La Colonial Alameda cocktail bar
Alameda Apodaca N ° 15D, 11003 Cádiz
Phone: +34 856 17 15 27 - Plaza España Monument
From there, and walk to the station, they are going to pass through Plaza España Monument to the Constitution of 1812
Plaza España 11006 Cádiz
And the end!!! That they go with comfortable footwear, it is not too much but a little if they are going to walk